Sync Breeze versions

Sync files between disks, directories, network shares and NAS storage devices
Jul 18, 2023
Jan 21, 2023
Aug 3, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Feb 28, 2022
Apr 20, 2021
Feb 8, 2021
Oct 18, 2017
Mar 22, 2016
Oct 24, 2015
Sep 30, 2015
Aug 21, 2015
Aug 2, 2015
Apr 8, 2015
Feb 28, 2015
Jan 27, 2015
Oct 27, 2014
Oct 7, 2014
Sep 2, 2014
Jul 21, 2014
Jul 25, 2014
May 21, 2014
Dec 26, 2013
Oct 24, 2013
Nov 7, 2013
Mar 23, 2013
Jan 12, 2013
Dec 2, 2012
Jun 4, 2012
Feb 27, 2012
Jan 27, 2012
Dec 22, 2011
Sep 24, 2011
Aug 24, 2011
Jul 24, 2011
Jun 24, 2011
May 21, 2011
May 4, 2011
Mar 16, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
Jan 17, 2011
Dec 8, 2010
Nov 8, 2010
Oct 12, 2010
Editorial review
Aug 9, 2010
Jul 15, 2010
Jun 3, 2010
Apr 17, 2010
Mar 9, 2010
Jan 28, 2010
Dec 26, 2009
Nov 13, 2009

What's new

v10.1.1.16 [Oct 18, 2017]
- Adds the ability to compress previous versions of files to the ZIP format.
- Improves the fault-tolerance of file synchronization operations.
- Improves the web-based management interface.
- Fixes a number of bugs.

v8.4.26 [Mar 22, 2016]
Adds support for the operating system native user authentication capabilities allowing one to login into SyncBreeze Enterprise using network domain and server local user accounts via the SyncBreeze client GUI application and the web-based management interface.

v7.8.16 [Sep 30, 2015]
This version reduces the memory usage during file synchronization operations, improves the performance of file synchronization operations, improves the web-based GUI interface and fixes a number of bugs.

v7.0.18 [Jan 27, 2015]
- Adds the ability to save file synchronization preview reports
- Improves the file synchronization preview dialog.
- Improves periodic file synchronization capabilities.
- Improves scheduled file synchronization capabilities.
- Improves the SyncBreeze command line utility.
- Fixes a number of bugs.

v5.0.32 [Mar 23, 2013]
It adds a web-based management interface for the server product version allowing one to control, configure and manage one or more SyncBreeze Servers using a regular web browser. In addition, it also adds multiple file copy verification modes and adds a number of visual improvements.

v4.1 [Jun 4, 2012]
SyncBreeze v4.1 adds the ability to play notification sounds when a sync operation is started, completed or failed. In addition, the user is provided with the ability to enable, disable or customize all types of notification sounds. Finally, the new product version improves the efficiency of bit-level file synchronization capabilities and fixes a number of bugs.

v3.3 [Aug 24, 2011]
SyncBreeze v3.3 adds the ability to send E-Mail notifications about failed file synchronization operations using secure TLS/SSL connections. In addition, the new product version improves real-time file synchronization capabilities and fixes a number of bugs.

v2.2 [Oct 12, 2010]
1-Oct-2010 - SyncBreeze v2.2 adds the ability to send E-Mail notifications for failed file synchronization operations. This feature is especially useful for the SyncBreeze file synchronization server, which runs as a service and performs all file synchronization operations in the background in a fully automatic and unattended mode.
- Adds E-Mail notifications for failed file sync commands
- Improves performance of real-time sync operations
- Fixes a number of minor bugs

Alternative downloads

Allway Sync
Allway Sync

Synchronize data between PCs, USB drives, remote servers, and online storage.

Beyond Sync
Beyond Sync

Beyond Sync real time sync monitors folders for changes.

ShareFile Desktop Sync
ShareFile Desktop Sync

The program allows you to synchronize folders within your ShareFile account.

File Sync
File Sync

Very fast and robust file synchronization software for Windows

Sync Assistant
Sync Assistant

Ergonomic tool to compare two directories